FloydsPhoto.com - Stock Photos - License
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Royalty-Free License - Concept Info

What Royalty-Free means is that you pay for the image only once and then you can use it as many times as you like, with just a few restrictions. In other words, there are no license fees except the initial fee and no other royalties to be paid except those included in the initial cost. Note that the maximum number of copies for printed materials is 500,000 copies.

The Royalty-Free license is granted ONLY for the non-watermarked image you buy using the Download button; all the other versions (small watermarked and non-watermarked thumbnails which are visible on the public site) are entirely copyrighted.

The free files downloaded from the Free Photos section may be used in commercial projects under our limited Royalty Free (RF-LL) license and according to our terms and conditions. This is a one-person license and is given to you as a designer, your employer (client) or any employed persons.

Royalty- Free License of use of Non-Watermarked Images and Restrictions

The high-resolution images that you download under the regular Royalty Free (RF) license may be used to make fine art prints, on a web site, in a magazine, newspaper, book or booklet, book cover, flyer, application software (apps) or any other advertising and promotional material, in either printed or electronic media, as long as the item in which the image appears does not contradict any of the restrictions below. The list is not exhaustive and if you have any uncertainty regarding the use of the images in a correct way please email support using the help form.

Web templates, greeting cards or postcards especially designed for sale, similar print-on-demand services, canvas, t-shirts, mugs, calendars, postcards, mouse pads or any other items incorporating the image in an essential manner, intended to be sold are considered redistribution (if the image is used in an essential manner). The use of Dreamstime.com images for these purposes under the regular Royalty Free license is not permitted. It is also forbidden to make the image available on a website for download (as wallpapers for example), although you may use the image in a concept in as many websites as you want, for any number of clients. For Web use, you must not use the image at a width exceeding 800 pixels unless it is included in your site's design. If the image is part of a design and manipulated accordingly, the image width can be higher than 800 pixels.

If you use the images for printed materials, the number of copies must not exceed 500,000. You may modify the images in any way required for reproduction, or include them in your own personal creations.

Buying the high-resolution image (purchasing the license) does not transfer the copyright. You may not claim that the image is your own and you may not sell, license for use, or in any way distribute the image for reuse. We recommend that you credit the agency and the photographer when you use an image. By this you benefit the community at Dreamstime.com, of which you are an integral part, and help increase your success as part of the community, which, by growing contributions, gains quantity and quality.


Extended Licenses for Using Our Imagery

The following licenses offer extended types of usage for our regular Royalty Free or Editorial licenses. Note that not all images are available for this type of license. You may use the image according to the following licenses only if the image was available under the appropriate license AND you downloaded it using the appropriate download button. You can view the license for each image you downloaded in your Management Area / My Downloads.

Unlimited seats (U-EL):

This license extends our regular Royalty Free / Editorial license to an unlimited number of seats within the same organization. It is an additional license to the usage included within the regular Royalty-Free / Editorial license that awards rights for a single person within the same company. The U-EL license is applied only for the staff of the organization that holds the account. The maximum amount limit of 500,000 copies applies for the total amount of work resulted from all designers involved.

Increase Max Copies (I-EL):

Extends our regular Royalty Free / Editorial license to a maximum amount of printed copies of up to 2,500,000 copies.
This is an additional license to the rights included within the regular Royalty-Free / Editorial license. Note that the other restrictions still apply.